Elder Abuse
Elder abuse is any act or omission that negatively impacts the health or welfare of a senior. It could be: financial abuse; psychological, physical or sexual abuse; neglect. Elder abuse is often unreported because the abused person doesn’t know how or is ashamed if it’s a family member and doesn’t want to get them in trouble.
Pat’s Place
Provides a short-term safe haven for older people experiencing abuse in an apartment in a secure location. Call Family Service Toronto at 416.595.9618.
Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (ONPEA)
Seniors Safety Line: 1.866.299.1011
The Seniors Safety Line will provide information, referrals, and support 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in over 150 languages. This hotline is a toll-free, confidential resource for seniors suffering abuse, including financial, physical, sexual and mental abuse and neglect.
Distress Centre
Provides 24-hour telephone support, 365 days a day, to those experiencing emotional distress or in need of crisis intervention and suicide prevention.
Call 416.408.HELP (4357)
Ministry of the Attorney General
Victim Support Line: 416.314.2447
The Victim Support Line provides a range of services to victims of crime. Information counsellors connect victims to community services and access to information about how the criminal justice system works.
Advocacy Centre for the Elderly (ACE)
416.598.2656 (Mon-Fri)
ACE is a community-based legal clinic for low income senior citizens and specializing in the legal problems of seniors such as elder abuse.
Toronto Police Services
Community Mobilization Unit